Next week, from 18 to 23 February 2019, is Half Term for many schools in Suffolk. It is also when the Suffolk Science Festival is being held. We are proud to support this event.
On Tuesday, 19 February and Saturday 23 February we shall be presenting two whole days of robotics workshops. They will be held in the wonderful surroundings of Bury St Edmunds Cathedral.
The workshops will feature two of the main robots that we use. Ozobots are small, round and very friendly. They like nothing more than following lines. They have sensors underneath that let them detect lines and colour codes.
Ozobots are able to follow lines on paper and on iPads, so literally anyone who can draw can program one. They also support OzoBlockly, which is like Scratch. At our workshop you’ll meet Ozobot and will be able to try your hand at all the ways you can program it.
The second robot we’ll be using is Edison. This Lego compatible robot comes from Australia. It has line, light an proximity sensors, and a couple of bright red LED lights.
Like the Ozobot, Edison can be programmed in several ways. Very cleverly, it can scan bar codes like you can see on the picture to select from robot algorithms like line following and robot Sumo. It also supports three types of programming language. EdBlocks and EdScratch are both graphical, and EdPy is a version of Python. At our Edison workshops on 19 and 23 February you’ll get to try out bar code and Scratch based programming to make the robot do some cool stuff.