Ozobot robots are small, being only about 30mm high, but in that little case there is a lot of intelligence. An Ozobot is a line tracking robot, so it has a a set of 5 light sensors on its underside. It has a colour changing LED on top. There two small wheels that drive independently so it can drive around, spin on the spot and even boogie with the best!
To program Ozobot you only have to be able to draw a line. When it sees a sequence of colours that it understands, it executes the instruction to turn around, spin, change colour, speed up, slow down or whatever. The colour sequences can be on paper or card, or you can create your own with its companion iPad app. Even better, it can store a whole sequence of instructions that are fed to it by placing it on a flashing spot on the iPad, which is where the Ozobot Groove app comes in. Robots line dancing, now that’s a sight to behold!